When you drive really quickly, through a lot of places, this is what you see.
This is what Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and California look like in four days.
Snowed on in Alberta, iced into a tent in Montana, breezed through Idaho, warmed up in a hot spring in Utah, almost saw the Grand Canyon in Arizona and am now baking in the sun with the rock and cactus of California!
As you can probably tell, I've been showing up at night time a lot...
Waterton, Alberta
Waterton, Alberta. I just want to run on these ridges for days! Unfortunately it snow chased me out of them.
Mountain therapy. Waterton, Alberta
Montana at 120km/hr
Montana had a pretty stellar sunset!
Just south of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Not the Grand Canyon, Arizona
Gazing at stars, southern California!